Our newsletter consists of emails on behalf of various environmental causes and organizations. Every time we send one of these emails, we will offset one pound of CO2 per recipient.
Join x people who have already signed up.

You are not currently signed in.

Causes you have received emails from:

  1. EarthEmail.org (that's us!)

[Un]halt list additions. Log out.

1 Collection phase

EarthEmail.org is currently in phase one. During this phase, we are focusing our efforts on collecting email addresses. Once we have at least 100 people signed up, we will proceed to phase two. We currently have x people collectively committing to help make a difference.

2 Offsetting phase

During phase two, we will reach out to relevant environmental causes and let them email you (note: we won't share your email address with them—we'll send their email for them). Revenue from these exchanges will provide the capital necessary to purchase carbon offsets. In addition to these efforts, we will continue accepting new user sign-ups during phase two.


What kind of emails will I receive? Here's an example of an email we might send you.

How does offsetting CO2 work? During phase two, we will purchase carbon offsets through a third party. Offsets fund emission-reducing initiatives. Such initiatives might include forest restoration, power grid efficiency improvements, green transportation programs, or clean energy projects.

Can I unsubscribe from emails? You may halt emails from EarthEmail.org at any point; however, EarthEmail.org will then be unable to offset more CO2 on your behalf, lessening your impact.

How can I advertise with EarthEmail.org? During phase two, we will share environmental causes and organizations with our subscribers. If you are interested in being highlighted, please fill out this non-binding interest form.

I have another question. Contact us at m.me/earthemail, and we will get back you you promptly.